Monday, November 27, 2006

A New Beginning

Now that Thanksgiving is over, and I have gained the mandatory holiday weight, it is time to start training again. I am still working with three structured work outs a week, but now it is going to be a little more run focused. So, my structured days will be solid run workouts and my fun days (2-3 a week) will consist of riding the trainer, swimming, and lifting.

I have decided to run a half marathon in the end of January. It won't be fast, be I feel like I need some intermediate goals in order to remain focused for the next seven months leading up to Ironman Zurich. So for now, my schduel will look somethin like this:

Monday: 45-60 minute easy run, easy swimming/lifting

Tuesday: 45-60 minute easy spin

Wednesday: Speed workout, and easy swim or lifting session

Thurday: Off

Friday: 60-90 minute long run

Saturday: Off

Sunday: Easy swim, lift, or spin session

I know this schedule is only a rough outline and I am not going to be upset when I miss sessions or have to change the routine. But, this should get me a good start towards a solid base, and with any luck I can remain injury free and carry this fitness over to the summer.

1 comment:

SingletrackJenny (formerly known as IronJenny) said...

I see you have Tuesdays as your "easy spin"... next week we are going to make sure your butt gets kicked!!!! Your trainer gets moved to the front and center!