Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Sleep Has Arrived...

Finally, after over a week without a goods nights sleep. Last night I actually got 7 hours of sleep. Granted, it was not continuos, but it's a start. I think that my body was just so worn out that it finally gave in to sleep.

Training has been going pretty good. My swim is feeling really weak right now, but I'll get there. I did my first swim, bike, run session of the year yesterday. It felt really good. 30min swim, 21 miles on the bike, and about a 5 mile run. Nothing really hard or really long, but it was a solid endurance session without causing too much stress on the body to effect the rest of the weeks sessions.

The next few weeks are going to be hard. I am hitting peak training hours, and I have a couple of short races coming up. I am really torn on what to do over Memorial Day weekend. I really want to head off and go back packing with my wife dogs, but it is also the last weekend to get in really big hours before Ironman Zurich. So, do I leave the bike behind and celebrate my 30th on the hiking trail? I can take my running shoes and get in some killer trail runs. Or do I stick to my plan and stay home so I can hit the bike hard?

What to do, What to do...


TJ said...

here's to sleep!!!...(holds up virtual beer).
good luck on figuring out your memorial day weekend plans.

Clot Buster said...

I say you should go hiking with your wife... who knows what memories you can make during this trip. The training will be there when you come back from the weekend. So, what happens if you miss out in a couple of long ride? Would you be fresher for the race?
Enjoy the sleep my friend!