The long hours are really starting to catch me. The training is going well, and my body is holding out pretty good, but I haven't been able to sleep worth a shit for about a week now. I am just stumbling through my mornings, missing morning workouts because I can only sleep for like 4 hours a night. I really need sleep. The long hours are going to lead to an injury if I can't get some good rest. I lay down to sleep and my body just won't shut down. I start to notice every little sore spot and muscle twitch and just can't seem to relax. Is it pre-Ironman anxiety, or am I just losing it?
This Weeks Training Tip
Do not attempt to break in a new saddle on you first century ride of the year. Bad. Bad. Bad Idea.
Have you tried taking ibuprohine before bed? when my training starts peaking I have a hard time sleeping (restless legs, tossing, etc.) I take a couple vitamin I's and tend to sleep much better. Not sure if it will help you, but can't hurt to try.
You're probably just losing it. Just kidding. We tend to get hyper-aware of our bodies. Good luck out there.
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