Monday, July 24, 2006


So, my two week taper has officially started. Which is great because I am beat. I did a 55 mile ride on Saturday that kicked my ass. More mentatlly than physically though. I started out into the wind and workded hard for the first hour and twenty minutes, looking forward to the trun around. Well, I should know better than that by now. I don't get tailwinds on the way home, ever! By the time I hit my turnaround point the wind had of course shiffted to a cross wind and the mid-day temps were high. I stopped to refuel at a gas station in Darwin, MN. This town may help to prove Darwin's evolutional theory. I'm pretty sure I saw the missing link coming out of the liquor store.

I was all ready to remount and take off when I realized that my rear tire was completely flat. This is pretty much where I lost all motivation and what ever mental energy I had left for the day. I took great care changing this particular flat because I was twenty six miles from home, my wife was out of town and I had no one else to call. Oh, did I mention that I only had one CO2 cartridge and one tube. I had to get it right the first time. I took my tire all the way off and examined every little cut in the tire. I found four different pieces of glass and a staple. By the time I finished fixing my flat I was ready for a nap. I really did not want to ride anymore. This was one of those days that if my wife was home I would have called for a ride.

Finally, I was off for home. This was the worst piece of riding I can remember this year. I could not get comfortable on my saddle, my legs had no snap, my neck hurt, and it was hot. Oh, wait, I can't complain about anything until I get run over by my own team car.

Ride Complete: 55.2 miles 19.8avg/mph


Lance Notstrong said...

Nature is really cruel when it makes you buck headwinds and then doesn't give you the tailwind that you deserve. Nice ave speed though :-)

Trisaratops said...

Man...that ride sure sounds like fun. :) Way to make it home in one piece though...gotta have crappy ones like that to appreciate the good I guess, eh?

Nice speed for an off, I fear what you do on your good days! ha ha

Clot Buster said...

Dear The Tri Journey,

We share in common that our blogs are posted under the Tri Geek Dreams - Triathlon Alliance, that we both do triathlons, and that you will be racing at the Steelhead Triathlon just like I will on August 5th.

I am very much looking forward to that race. Perhaps during the race you will see me my Polka-Dot outfit. If you do say hello, I would love to meet you. It is very neat to see so many people sharing their stories through their blogs. I look forward to possibly meeting you this coming weekend.


Kindest Regards,

The Clot Buster