Friday, July 28, 2006

Nervous Yet?

So, after yet another very disappointing ride on Wed. I am left feeling very nervous for the Steelhead 70.3. I know that I can perform better that I have for the last two weeks. I just can't ragain the mental focus. I am really hoping it is just nerves and come race day I will be ready to launch when the gun goes off.

I did however, have a great swim last night. Not hard, not long, not real fast, just a great swim. After my hard sets were done I did some breathing excercises. I would swim one length on the pool on one breath. It was pretty cool, I just focused on swimming really slow and smooth. When you are not breathing you can really hear your stroke. I tried to move through the water as silently as possible. After a couple of reps. they started getting easier and more fluid. It was great, this is the first time in a long while that I have felt completely relaxed and in control during my training.

All hope is not lost. I just need to be relaxed and stay in control.

So, let's review what I know.

I know I have put in the time. I know that I am physically ready. I know that when I get there I will be there to race. I know I will have rough spots, mentally and physically, during the race. I know there will be pain and suffering. I know I will finish strong. I know it will feel incredible to cross the line.


Chris said...

Hey. Sorry to hear about the crummy ride. Did you ride with the short group or the hammer group?

Maybe you can go back through your training logs and just review all the hard work, hours, and miles that you've put into this 1/2 thus far. Everyone has good days and bad days, but the training that you've done the past couple of months will see you though.

Have a great weekend and have a great race!

Anonymous said...

Dude you’re ready!!! It seems like you have some pre-race jitters, that’s normal. It sounds like you have worked hard on your swim, good job. The mental thing is key, don’t dwell on the issues that arise before the race and during the race, just stay focused. Once the gun goes off the adrenaline will kick in and you will rock!

Good Luck!