Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Miracle on Ice?

So during the tough, double spin session last night at Iron Jenny's someone came up with a wonderful idea. Let's set up our trainers on a frozen lake and film a spin session. Seemed like a fun idea, but will it really happen? Well, as I hobble into work this morning, trying to find my legs after last nights workouts, I check some email. Yah! The plans are in the making for what may possible be the first ever frozen spin session. The plan is to shovel off a section of frozen lake and set up our trainers and film a spin session. Why? Not. Really. Sure. But I'm in! Looks like this miracle on ice will take place on Super Bowl Sunday. Refreshments will be served in the spectators area (hot tub) which will be kept warm by TriNick. I'll try and post updates on times and head count. Let's see if we can set a winter spin record. If there is such a thing.


:) said...

Sounds cold, but fun!

Lance Notstrong said...

You need to post pics of that!!!

Taconite Boy said...

see you there...and oh yes there will be camera's!

SingletrackJenny (formerly known as IronJenny) said...

It's going to be cold. Dress like a true Minnesotan triathlete.