Monday, August 28, 2006

The Return

Holy Crap, I can't even remember my last post. So here comes a quick update on the Racer's world. After taking a long two weeks off of real training I haved returned. I had what I consider, for me, to be a breakthrough speed work out late last week. I thought that I had lost all of my speed, but I was wrong, I just forgot how to use it. This workout came at the gym on a tread mill of all places. Oh, I forgot to mention, I am now a proud member of Gold's Gym. There will be no more chasing lap swims from school to school to get in a work out. Anyways, back to the speed work. Easy warm up followed by a six minute mile that felt really easy followed by four quarter mile repeats with a quarter mile jog recovery between. Nothing special right? Well, I did the first two 1/4's at 5:15 pace no sweat. The third was at 5:04 pace and the last at 4:50 pace. It's been years since I ran quarters like that. I forgot that I could run that fast. I forgot what it feels like to run that fast. It feels good. I am starting to think that it is more my frame of mind that has been holding back my speed than my actual fitness or ability to run fast. I have been focusing on such long endurance that I have forgoten how to run short distances.

So, after coming to this conclusion I have decided not to race another half iron this fall. But instead I am going to try some short races and try to run some fast times in a few road races. I would really like to run a 5K sub 18min. Don't know if I am there yet, but by late fall I may be close.

I was trying to begin the planning for Ironman Zurich training for next year and I began to think that a step away for pure tri training for a few months will help keep me focused when the time comes to put in 20+ hours a week swim, bike, run. I still plan on keeping up with all three disciplines, but I think that I am going to focus on the run, and keep the swim and the bike as my relaxation days. This plan may change, I am not very decisinve these days!

Racer out!

1 comment:

Chris said...

As someone who does nothing but get fat and is lazy over the winter, I do think it does wonders for the mind. The start of the tri season is always fresh and I'm fully mentally recharged to get out there and train.

The body, though... is usually not as willing after that much time off. :)